Time will take your money MONEY Money won't buy time
It  can  buy  a  House ,
But  not  a  Home .
It  can  buy  a  Bed ,
But  not  Sleep .
It  can  buy  a  Clock ,
But  not  Time .

It  can  buy  you  Friends ,
But  not  Love .
It  can  buy  you  a  Book ,
But  not  Knowledge .
It  can  buy  Food ,
But  not  an Appetite
It  can  buy  you  Medicine ,
But  not  Health .
It  can  buy  you  Blood ,
But  not  Life


Money  has  different  names
In a temple or church,  it's called a donation.
In school,  it's called
In marriage,  it's called
In divorce,  it's called
When you owe someone,  it's called
When you pay the government,  it's called a
In court,  it's called
Civil servant retirees,  it's called
Employer to workers,  it's called
Master to subordinates,  it's called
To children,  it's called an
When you borrow from a bank,  it's called a
When you offer a good service,  it's called
To kidnappers,  it's called a
Illegally received in the name of service,
it's called a

The question is
When a husband gives to his wife,  what do we call it  ?
Money given to your wife is called  DUTY,
and every man has to do his duty,

because  wives  are   not duty-free !

In  God  We  Trust

George Washington, our nation's first president and
leader of the American Revolution

Abe Lincoln, honorable leader
who pulled our nation through its darkest time

Alexander Hamilton, founding father, first Secretary of
the Treasury and leader of the constitutional convention

Andrew Jackson, "Old Hickory "
fought the British in New Orleans

Ulysses Grant, Union army general,
led the North through the Civil War

Ben Franklin, genius inventor,
political theorist and leading author of the Constitution


People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured that if you have enough money, you can have a key made.  Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're miserable.  Most people fail to realize that in life, it's not how much money you make, it's how much money you keep.  Money is only a tool.  It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.  We are rich only through what we give,  and poor only through what we refuse.  No one has ever become poor by giving.  Use for yourself little, but give to others much.

Money makes the world go around.  You can't take it with you.  You have to spend money to make money.  Every time you borrow money, you're robbing your future self.  Money is like seawater.  The more you drink, the thirstier you become.  "Making money" is a learned skill, "maintaining money" requires discipline, and "multiplying money" is a more complex and creative endeavor that requires strategic thinking and risk-taking.  Rich people believe "I create my life”; Poor people believe "Life happens to me."

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